General Terms of Use

ARTICLE 1: Object

The subject of the present General Terms of Use is to define the modalities and conditions under which, on the one hand, PATHEL INDUSTRIE, hereafter called “The Editor”, makes available to the users, the “Website” and the “Services” available on the Website, and; on the other hand, how the “User” gains access to the Website and uses its Services.

Any connection to the Website is subject to compliance with the present terms.

For the User, a simple access to the Editor’s website at the URL involves accepting all terms, as described below.

ARTICLE 2: Legal notice website is published by PATHEL INDUSTRIE, SAS with a capital of 291,500.00 €, with headquarters in CHASSIEU (69680), 13 rue Jacquard.

The company is represented by MARASALI, president of PATHEL Industrie.

ARTICLE 3: Access to services

The user of website has access to the following services:

  • A collection of documents supplied by PATHEL INDUSTRIE;
  • Documents to download (certificates, catalogue, etc.);
  • Hypertext links, including a link to an on-line shopping website;
  • A contact form;
  • A search engine on the website.

Any user with access to Internet can have free access to the website, from everywhere. The costs for the user access (internet connection, computer equipment, etc.) are not supported by the Editor.

The Editor strives to give access to the website 24/7 except in case of force majeure or event out of the Editor’s control, and provided there are no breakdowns and maintenance interventions required for a proper functioning of the website and its services.

Therefore, the Editor cannot guarantee availability for the Website and/or Services, reliability of transmissions and performances in terms of time of response or of quality. No technical assistance to the User is provided for, including by e-mail or by telephone.

The Editor cannot be held responsible in case of impossibility of access to this website and/or use of the services.

Moreover, the Editor may have to interrupt the website or part of the services, at any moment and without prior notification, all this without any right to compensation. The User acknowledges and accepts that the Editor is not responsible for the interruptions and consequences which can result from them, for the User or any third party.

ARTICLE 4: User responsibility

The User takes full responsibility for how they use the information and contents shown on

Any use of the service by the User, having damage as direct or indirect consequence, shall be subject to compensation for the benefit of the Website.

ARTICLE 5: Editor responsibility

The Editor shall not be held responsible for any malfunctioning of the server or of the network.

Also, the Website cannot be made liable in case of force majeure or due to an unforeseeable and unavoidable act of a third party. agrees to implement all required resources in order to provide data safety and confidentiality. However, it does not provide a full safety guarantee.

Finally, the information and/or documents on this Website and/or accessible via this Website, come from sources considered to be reliable. However, this information and/or documents are likely to contain technical inaccuracies and typos. The Editor reserves their right to correct them, as soon as they are informed about these errors.

It is strongly recommended to check the accuracy and relevance of the information and/or documents made available on this site.

The information and/or documents available on the Site can be modified at any moment, and may have been subject to updates. In particular, they can have been subject to an update between the time of their downloading and the time when the User sees them.

ARTICLE 6: Intellectual property

The contents of (logos, texts, graphic elements, videos, etc.) are the property of the Editor or of their partners, and are protected by copyright, as per the Intellectual Property law.

Any representation and/or reproduction and  exploitation, in part or in full, of the contents and services proposed by, via any procedure whatsoever, without prior written authorisation from PATHEL INDUSTRIE and/or its partners, is strictly prohibited and shall be liable to be considered as a forgery as per articles L335-2 and following in the Intellectual Property law, where it is specified that only a use to a private end can be accepted, any commercial use being prohibited.

ARTICLE 7: Personal data guarantees privacy for the User, as per the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, entered into force on 25 May 2018) and the provisions of the Law no. 2018-493 of 20 June 2018 relative to personal data protection, published in the French Journal Officiel (JO) on 21/06/2018.

PATHEL INDUSTRIE is responsible for the processing of data with a personal character, carried out on site.

Data processing carried out by PATHEL INDUSTRIE on their website is aimed at:

  • Answering the requests send via the contact form, and providing its administrative and commercial formulation
  • Sending the newsletter and other possible information via e-mail
  • Measuring the site audience and the rate of attendance of the different pages.

The informations collected is intended for PATHEL INDUSTRIE. It is required for processing, and cannot be disclosed to third parties.

The above-mentioned data are kept only over the period required for the purposes for which they are collected and processed.

The user has a right of access, rectification and deletion of their personal data, and a right to limit their data processing and portability.

The user exercises this right via:

  • A contact form;
  • By e-mail at;
  • By letter to 13 rue Jacquard, 69800 CHASSIEU.

They also have the right to object, for a legitimate reason, to the processing of their personal data, and the right to object to the processing of their data to be used for marketing purposes.

Finally, they have the right to submit a complaint to the CNIL.

Our site is designed to be especially attentive to the needs and expectations of our clients, and is thus likely to use cookies and similar technologies.

A “cookie” is a control witness which names a text file likely to be stored when one visits the website in a dedicated space of a computer, smartphone or any other computer device.

Subject to your choice, PATHEL can be in the position to collect browsing data by using cookies, in a secure manner which is limited in time.

Cookies and similar technologies are collected for:

  • Making the use of our websites and applications possible or easier,
  • Customising our services and adverts in order to adapt them to your needs,
  • Obtaining information on your browsing.

Information storage period:

Cookie name Purpose Conservation period
_utma Tag Google Analytics 2 years
_utmb Tag Google Analytics 30 minutes
_utmc Tag Google Analytics Expires at the end of session
_utmt Tag Google Analytics 10 minutes
_utmz Tag Google Analytics 6 months
Local storage Data storage Until deletion
300gp Used by our host in order to store on which server cluster the website tasks, are executed. 1h15
300gpBAK Used by our host in order to store on which server cluster the website tasks, are executed. 1h

You can, at any moment, change the settings applicable to the cookies by configuring the privacy protection parameters of your Web browser.

ARTICLE 8: Hypertext links

The editor of is not liable for the domains reached by the hypertext links present on the Site since the Editor has no control over these links.

It is not possible for a third party to create a link to a page of without the express authorisation of the Editor.

ARTICLE 9: Evolution of the general terms of use reserves its right to amend the clauses of these general terms of use, at any time and without justification.

ARTICLE 10: Contract time

The present contract is open-ended. The contract produces its effects with regard to the User starting with the beginning of use of the service.

ARTICLE 11: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

The present contract depends on French legislation.

In case of a non-amicably solved dispute between the User and the Editor, the Courts in Lyon are competent for settling the litigation.